Hi Phil,

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 02:24:39PM +1300, Phil Murray wrote:
> On 20/02/2012, at 10:36 AM, Jeremie Le Hen wrote:
> > 
> > I have a problem with procmail which gets a "File too large" error when
> > it tries to write at the end of some mailbox file.
> Is procmail running from Postfix (or some other MTA)? I've hit this
> problem where Postfix has set a filesize ulimit, which all the scripts
> spawned from Postfix will inherit. 
> In my case, I had a script that was hitting the filesize limit trying
> to log it's results to a logfile that doesn't get rotated. I imagine
> the same thing could happen with procmail, if postfix was calling it.

Yes that was the problem indeed.  Someone already contacted me
(privately, but I didn't notice at that time) pointing out the problem.
I've disabled the mailbox_size_limit in Postfix and the problem

Thanks for your help.
Jeremie Le Hen

Men are born free and equal.  Later on, they're on their own.
                                Jean Yanne
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