On 2012-08-28 22:51, Matt Smith wrote:
On 2012-08-27 21:35, Warren Block wrote:
On Mon, 27 Aug 2012, Matt Smith wrote:
Thank you for your help anyway, and your wonkity site, which I also once used for converting my procmail to maildrop. And thanks also to Erich and Stefan for your help. When I get some spare time I'll redo the filesystem and hope that it works.

Please post a followup after that.

Here is the followup! I have just rebuilt the server from scratch
using a 9.1-RC1 amd64 memstick image. Used the GPT labels directly in
the fstab and ignored glabel. And guess what? It works fine as you
probably expected. So it was definitely user error and the glabel
broke it. At least I've learnt a lot more about partitioning and
filesystems than I knew before anyway!

So once again, thank you for all your help. There is an open PR for
this that I raised which is amd64/170646 , I don't think there is any
way for me to close this myself is there? If somebody reads this who
has the rights to do so then please close it with "user is an idiot"


Hi again. Seems it was not actually that simple after all. Yesterday I had tested rebooting the server after just the base O/S had been installed and it was working fine so I assumed that was it. Today I have reinstalled all my ports and then decided to do one last reboot to make sure everything came up properly. And guess what? The same error happened again! I then tracked it down. It seems to happen when the mail/postgrey port is started. If I comment that out of rc.conf and reboot and let it mark the filesystem clean then I can happily reboot with no issues again. If I remove the comment and start it up then I get the same issue on the next reboot.

So there is something strange happening between the mail/postgrey port and 9.1-RC1 amd64. As greylisting isn't completely important I can leave this disabled for now but I would like to still resolve this issue so that I can use it again, unless there is alternative greylisting software that I could use with postfix.

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