On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 08:20:57PM +1100, Dewayne Geraghty wrote:
> Is there a preferred way to buildworld without libncursesw?
> When I add to /etc/src.conf
> I find that a buildworld fails due to missing libncursesw.*.
> So what uses libncurses?  These guys do
> /usr/bin/dialog
> /usr/bin/dpv
> /usr/sbin/sade -> /usr/libexec/bsdinstall/partedit
> /usr/sbin/tzsetup
> Getting a little frustrated I modifed the Makefile:, so for example
> dialog (/usr/src/contrib/dialog)
> +.include <bsd.own.mk>
> +
> +.if ${MK_NCURSESW} == "no"
> +LDADD=         -ldpv -ldialog -lfigpar -lncurses -lutil -lm
> +.else
>  LDADD=         -ldpv -ldialog -lfigpar -lncursesw -lutil -lm
> +.endif
> And checking
> # make -VMK_NCURSESW
> no
> I'm at a bit of a loss as to why these are proving difficult to build,
> or what I can do to get the desired outcome, ie no libncursesw.so*

I tried to make this work a while ago and it's not practical.  Instead,
we need to remove libncurses (or more likely replace it with a linker
script to cause libncursesw to be used.)

It should be the case that nothing in the base system uses libncurses,
but it's all too likely that someone has broken that since I switched
the remaining bits over.

-- Brooks

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