Harry Schmalzbauer wrote:
Bezüglich Mark Johnston's Nachricht vom 09.08.2016 08:02 (localtime):
>> Just for anybody else needing unionfs:
>> https://people.freebsd.org/~attilio/unionfs_missing_insmntque_lock.patch
>> This patch still applies and I'm successfully using this (unmodified) up
>> to FreeBSD-10.3 and never had any panic in all these years.
> Having spent some time looking at unionfs, I'm a bit skeptical that this
> patch will address the panic you reported earlier, though I'd be
> interested to know if it does.
[stuff snipped for brevity]
I took a look at this. (I know nothing about unionfs, but a little w.r.t. the 
I can confirm that this function (unionfs_nodeget()) is weird and appears to
be broken to me.

The function calls insmntque() before it initializes the vnode, which seems
racey, especially if it isn't LK_EXCLUSIVE locked.
Also, line#s 278-281:
    if (uppervp != NULLVP)
         vp->v_vnlock = uppervp->v_vnlock;
         vp->v_vnlock = lowervp->v_vnlock;
so your patch isn't locking the vnode lock that it actually uses.
I think the vp argument to insmntque() is required to be LK_EXCLUSIVE
locked mostly so other threads won't fiddle with the vnode until this
function is done with it, but I am not sure?

I think a more correct version of this (not saying it would be correct[😉],
would call insmntque() later in the function, after it has been initialized.
(This means that the cleanup if it fails is more involved, but...)

I've attached a patch (untested) that does this. Maybe you could try it?

ps: I've cc'd Kostik, in case he has some insight w.r.t. how this should be 

Attachment: unionfs-newvnode.patch
Description: unionfs-newvnode.patch

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