On Fri, October 6, 2017 14:33, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> 06.10.2017 22:17, Rostislav Krasny wrote:
>> I consider this as a critical bug. But maybe there is some workaround
>> that allows me to install the FreeBSD 11.1 as a second OS without
>> repartitioning the entire disk?
>> My hardware is an Intel Core i7 4790 3.6GHz based machine with 16GB
>> RAM. The ada0 disk is 238GB SanDisk SD8SBAT256G1122 (SSD).
> bsdinstall (current installer) is seriously flawed comparing with
> sysinstall (previous one)
> when we talk about installing FreeBSD to a slice within MBR.

I sure miss sysinstall from the very bottom of my heart.

I had the very same problem the OP said, about a month ago. I just didn't
got the issue, so I installed 10.3-R and did upgrade via freebsd-update.

The OP setup is close to mine, I will try to use the command list below
and see what it gets me. It was really disappointing not being able to
install 11.1 on this new machine. I am saving a 10.3R pendrive forever. If
anyone need, just say I upload the dd'ed image :)

I also tested on another older machine, same thing.


> You still can install FreeBSD by invoking a shell from bsdinstall
> and using gpart:
> gpart add -t freebsd -a 4096 ada0    # dedicate all unallocated space for
> ada0s3
> gpart create -s BSD -n 20 ada0s3     # create BSD label able to contain
> upto 20 partitions
> gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot0 ada0   # install menu-driven boot manager
> BootEasy to MBR
> gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot ada0s3  # install FreeBSD-specific UFS boot
> code to its slice
> gpart set -a active -i 1 ada0      # make sure MBR has exactly one active
> partition
> gpart add -t freebsd-swap -s 4G -i 2 # allocate 4G for a swap ada0s3b
> (choose size of your like)
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 2G             # allocate 2G for root partition
> ada0s3a
> newfs -L root /dev/ada0s3a
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 1G             # allocate 1G for read-only /usr
> partition ada0s3d
> newfs -L usr /dev/ada0s3d
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 4G             # allocate 4G for /var ada0s3e
> newfs -L var /dev/ada0s3e
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 10G            # allocate 10G /usr/local: future
> installed ports & packages
> newfs -L usrl /dev/ada0s3f
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs           # allocate all other space for /home
> newfs -L home /dev/ada0s3g
> Then you will have mount new ada0s3a, create mount points for other
> partitions there,
> create etc/fstab, extract *.txz from distibution media and it will boot
> just fine.
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