On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 12:23:42AM +0200, Ege Mukan wrote:

> Nowavadays whenever I want to surf on websites which contains flash
> things my firefox or mozilla shuts itself.
> Did you ever encounter this problem. And if you'd how did you eliminate ???

Are you using Xorg6.8.1 and have enabled the Composite extension ?

(as in 

Section "Extensions"
        Option "Composite" "Enable"


Then add this line to /usr/X11R6/bin/firefox, just beneath the #! /bin/sh


> Thanks in advance.
> Ege Mukan

Kind Regards,
        Ruben van Staveren

   ,-_  .----------------------------------------------------------------.
  /() ) |       Ruben van Staveren      http://ruben.is.verweg.com/      |_o
 (__ (  |Ofcourse, in my dreams I have the money and all the girls too...| #>
=/  ()  `----------------------------------------------------------------' 4
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