yuval levy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > In my opinion, an O/S that can not handle the most
 > popular file systems is handicapped in a world of
 > increasing diversity.

Please excuse me jumping in here, but ext2/ext3 is certainly
_not_ one of the most popular file systems for most members
of this mailing list.

Personally, I have used the ext2fs driver for exactly one
reason:  to migrate data from Linux to FreeBSD on machines
which are being converted from the Dark Side.  And that
requires mounting the file system just once (read-only),
copying the data, then umount it, followed by newfs.
There's no need to even think about shutting down while the
ext2fs is still mounted.

I'd recommend against mounting any ext2/ext3 file systems
permanently for sharing data between Linux and FreeBSD.
There are better ways to do that.  (The best way, of course,
is getting rid of Linux in the first place.)

Best regards

PS:  For what it's worth, the most popular filesystems for
me are UFS/UFS2, NFS, ISO9660, UDF, and maybe FAT.  No more.

I guess for the majority of computer users the most popular
filesystems are NTFS, ISO9660, FAT and maybe HFS, and they
don't even know what "ext2" is.  :-)

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

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