Kövesdán Gábor wrote:

alan bryan wrote:

--- Kövesdán Gábor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The nve driver has a lot of problems. You
experienced just device timeouts, but other people - including me -
experiences system crashes. As for me, I've had two kind of kernel panics, and
device timeouts too.


Gabor Kovesdan

Do you (or does anyone else here) have any
recommendations then on a good PCI express (no plain
PCI slots) ethernet card that doesn't use the nve
driver?  Maybe an Intel card?  Gigabit speeds
preferably.  I could then use that until the nve
driver gets fixed (Is somebody even working on fixing


No, unfortunately I don't know about a good alternative. I don't think anybody is working on it now. Maxime Henrion and Quinton Dolan committed changes to that driver,
but unfortunately it didn't make things better.


Gábor Kövesdán


I'm also interested in fixing the omnipresent nve-problems, but reading the manpages for nve(4) reveals the bad circumstance that this driver seems to be 'wrapped' around a Linux binary object. Nvidia obviously isn't willing to offer documentation about the chip's internals so it will be hard to develop an open source driver for this NIC. That sounds to me to get happy with a 'ever GIANT locked' nve NIC using FreeBSD 6.X

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