On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 12:27:28PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
> I'm also interested in fixing the omnipresent nve-problems, but reading 
> the manpages for nve(4) reveals the bad circumstance that this driver 
> seems to be 'wrapped' around a Linux binary object. Nvidia obviously 
> isn't willing to offer documentation about the chip's internals so it 
> will be hard to develop an open source driver for this NIC. That sounds 
> to me to get happy with a 'ever GIANT locked' nve NIC using FreeBSD 6.X

The Linux kernel includes a real opensource driver in the kernel for
some time now, called 'forcedeth'. It seems that this works better
than the nVidia driver.



For someone with enough driver-writing-fu it would be possible to look
at the linux code and port it (GPL), or even better, write a new BSD
licensed driver based on the things they do.

That someone is not me, however...


Tact, n.:
        The unsaid part of what you're thinking.

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