Ronald Klop said the following on 12/12/05 13:27:

What happens if you set one of these sysctl values to 0? (This disables SMP changes from 5.4 to 6.0.)
debug.mpsafevfs: 1
debug.mpsafenet: 1
debug.mpsafevm: 1

Thanks for the suggestion!
I just did so and rebooted both machines, so we'll see.

I remember unseting debug.mpsafenet before 5.4 due to some ipfw limitations, but didn't know about the other two.

And is there a possibility (performance-wise) to build a kernel with WITNESS and/or INVARIANTS options compiled in. This will give more info about possible locking problems. Your system will run slower. And because of this the problem may not occur anymore, but it is worth the try.

Both machines are not much loaded, so I could afford slowing them down a bit for a while (I hope it won't be several times slower). I will do that at some point later if the problem still persists.

I hope I won't be forced to downgrade to 5.4, though I'm already working on that (just in case).

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