ML> Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:41:10 -0500
ML> From: Mark Linimon

ML> We are currently trying to support 4 major CVS branches.


Perhaps work on 7 should have been delayed until 5 and 6 were able to 
woo people away from 4 -- or at least not leave valid reasons for people 
wanting to stay behind.  (Note that I'm more sympathetic than my tone 
might indicate; I've also gotten into some jams from long release 
cycles, and know what it's like.)

What's done is done, though.  Rather than spend undue effort on 4 and 5, 
improving 6 and 7 is the best way to improve the newer branches... which 
might well remove objections to jumping from 4.  i.e., I like 4.x just 
as much as anyone else, but there's a bigger picture to consider.


As others have pointed out, if things really are "that bad", third-party 
support makes sense.  And nothing is stopping anyone from running 
NetBSD, DragonFly, or OpenBSD.  Or Solaris.  Or Linux.  Or...

[ end bikeshed contribution ]

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