Hello Marc,

You wrote on Tuesday, March 6, 2007, 6:10:45 PM:

MGF> Does this show anything?  I can't kill the processes, even with kill -9 ...
MGF> this happens consistently just after 3 days uptime on a kernel built "Fri 
MGF> 23 07:47:20 AST 2007", and the interface is an fxp0 device ...

MGF> # ps auxl | grep ping
MGF> root     68994  0.0  0.0  1556   808  ??  D     7:58AM   0:00.02 ping -c 1 
MGF> 30      0     1   0 -16  0 zoneli

This is know problem:

There are some different cases when zonelimit livelock is possible.
Send vmstat -z output (when processes lock in zonelimit state).

 Anton Yuzhaninov.

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