Craig Boston wrote:
 > [...]
 > I only wish 1024x768x4 worked right as (on most cheap video hardware
 > anyway) pushing all the data for 16-bit modes though VESA is quite slow.
 > As it's mostly an IO bandwidth issue, the planar modes should be faster.
 > I can get 800x600x8 working and it's definitely quicker than 800x600x16.

I think 800x600x4 would be even quicker, because no VESA
calls are required at all for screen output.

(All x4 modes use a planar layout.  If such a bitplane is
larger than 64K, so-called bank switching is required to
access all of the video memory, because the VGA address
space allows only a 64K window for access at once.  VESA
calls are required to perform the bank switching.  For
a resolution of 800x600, a bitplane is 60K, so no bank
switching is required, and the whole video memory can be
accessed directly.)

I think FreeBSD's syscons supports it via "flags 0x80"
for the sc device in the kernel config file.  See the
section "Driver Flags" in the sc(4) manual page.

Best regards

PS:  It should be noted that all of that VESA stuff only
works for FreeBSD/i386.  FreeBSD/amd64 isn't capable of
performing calls into the 32bit VESA BIOS.

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
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