On Sat, Apr 07, 2007 at 02:05:45AM +0800, Rong-en Fan wrote:
> I just merged ncurses 5.6 and wide character support from
> HEAD to 6.x. That means ncurses in 6.x is now up-to-date and
> has wide character support, i.e., ncursesw library.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for this.  You have no idea
how long I've been waiting (okay, now you do: years!), as I never felt
comfortable with having two versions of ncurses installed on a single
box (base + port).

So far it works great.  Thank you so much!

The only thing I've found, though, is that dialog(1) does not appear to
properly handle UTF-8 encoding.  Line drawing characters show up as
gibberish (alphanumeric characters).  I realise dialog isn't part of
ncurses, but it does rely on it.  We should consider updating dialog to
match this change.

| Jeremy Chadwick                                    jdc at parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                           http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                      Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.                  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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