First of all, thanks for your extensive answer!

On Jan 15, 2008, at 13:34 , Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 10:52:56AM +0100, Johan Ström wrote:
I'm looking to invest in some new hardware for backup. probably some kind of NAS (a 4-disk 1U NAS or something in that size). The thing is that I won't be the only one with access to this box, thus I would like to secure
my data.

In my experience, your best bet when it comes to backups like what you
want (1U box with 4 disks, or a 2U box with 8 or more) is to simply buy
a server with the specifications you want, and run FreeBSD on it.  I
cannot recommend commercial products for something of this "scale" (e.g.

I could list off all the reasons why [as a small hosting provider] I
avoid proprietary backup solutions, but the list is quite long.  The
two main reasons:

1) Proprietary solutions often use proprietary hardware.  How do you
know what's inside of that mystery box?  What if it uses a SATA
controller you know has h/w-level bugs in it? What if something in the
device fails; are you going to be charged an arm and a leg for a
replacement part?  Does it even HAVE user-servicable parts?  etc...

I feel much more confident relying on hardware that I'm familiar with,
e.g. I know what motherboard is in the server I buy or build, I know who
makes it, I know if it's compatible with FreeBSD or Linux, I know the
SATA controller works and isn't flaky, I know the SATA backplane
actually works properly and supports hot-swapping, and I know if I need replacement parts I can get them promptly. Also, if the h/w I buy turns
out to have compatibility problems or performance issues, I can always
return it, get my money back, and try other h/w; with a proprietary
solution you're "stuck with it", and if something's broken about it
which the vendor can't/won't fix, you're screwed.

2) Proprietary solutions also means proprietary software.  This is
pretty much guaranteed regardless of what h/w is used.  What if the
volume manager used for your array has a bug and your data is
corrupt? You have no way of really "knowing" this until it's too late,
and you only have one person to turn to: the vendor.

All good points there, cannot argue against that. Certainly something to think about before doing any purchases. The only thing against that right now is size (we've got "cheap" access to a rack with limited depth), havent realy found any good 1U chassis that arent to deep. Admittedly I haven't spent veery much time looking yet but.. :)

I prefer to have freedom of choice when it comes to backup methods.
"Hmm, dump/restore isn't working out very well, so maybe I'll try ZFS,
or bacula, or tar over NFS, or rsync, or...".

What I would like is encryption both for the transfer to the box, and
encrypted on disk. The data on disk should not be readable by anyone but me (ie the other user(s) of the box should not be able to read it, at least
not without a big effort).

I'm curious what the reason is for on-disk encryption? Is it necessary for something *only you* will have access to? What's the concern here?

I think I wrote that I *wont* be the only one with access to the box. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

It will be shared with a friend (or rather his company) of mine. I do trust him, but to keep some level of security I don't want him (or rather, someone with access to his box) to be able to read my files (and the other way arround for his files).

So, I'm wondering what the best solution might be.. Tar'balling all my stuff and encrypt it with GPG or something and just dump it there with NFS would be the easiest solution, but maybe not the best. I've been thinking about running a GELI image on my box, and store that on the NAS over NFS..
would that be doable/secure/stable?

I would recommend avoiding NFS unless the machine you're running
nfsd/mountd/portmap on has no direct way to talk to the Internet. It's impossible to get NFS-related daemons to bind solely to one IP/ interface
on FreeBSD, which imposes a security risk.  If the machine is behind
NAT, you're very likely safe (unless the public has some way of
accessing another machine on that NAT network). Thus, if you choose to
go the NFS route, have it on a segregated network.

The box will be on a separate LAN only accessible by our two boxes. No internet connectivity. But the client boxes ofcourse have internet connectivty (but that would only be NFS clients, not servers).

That said -- what we use in our production environment is dump/restore
over SSH over a dedicated LAN.  I wrote a series of scripts that do
this, using SSH keys for the SSH portion. Incrementals are done 6 days
a week, with fulls done once a week.

I use a similar scheme now, using BackupPC. However that is to my box at home which is not a very good solution due to bandwidth limitations (5MBit only).. The first copy takes ages, the incremental ones not as much.. It's around 20-30GB of data currently. The NAS/ backup box would be located on an 100MBit/1000MBit unmetered link.

Does it work? Yes. Have I had to restore from it? Yes, twice. Did it
work OK?  Yes, but was not as simple as "restore the backup to this
disk, throw the disk in the server, and voila FreeBSD is back up and
running".  It's more of "replace the disk, install FreeBSD on it,
configure the box like before, then restore the user data..."

Once all of our systems are running RELENG_7, I plan on utilising ZFS
heavily.  ZFS offers backup/restore capability, including over a
network, and it's very fast.  Now if only installing FreeBSD onto ZFS
was made simple, ditto with booting off of ZFS...

Now, on a personal level -- I do backups at home too.  My home system
has 4 disks in it -- one for the OS (UFS2), one for backups (UFS2), and
two for a ZFS RAID-0-like volume.

For the OS disk and filesystems (e.g. / /var /usr /tmp /home), I use
rsync.  For the ZFS volume, I use ZFS snapshots in an incremental
fashion (6 days of incrementals, 1 day of full) and do "zfs send
{volume} > /backup_disk/volume.X" to do the backups.

In case you're wondering about how long they all take and how much data
is backed up, here's some times of full level 0 backups:

==> Backing up / to /backups/rootfs/ (method: rsync)
==> Start time: Sun Jan 13 02:45:01 PST 2008
==> End time:   Sun Jan 13 02:45:01 PST 2008
==> Backing up /var to /backups/var/ (method: rsync)
==> Start time: Sun Jan 13 02:45:01 PST 2008
==> End time:   Sun Jan 13 02:45:06 PST 2008
==> Backing up /usr to /backups/usr/ (method: rsync)
==> Start time: Sun Jan 13 02:45:06 PST 2008
==> End time:   Sun Jan 13 02:46:03 PST 2008
==> Backing up /home to /backups/home/ (method: rsync)
==> Start time: Sun Jan 13 02:46:03 PST 2008
==> End time:   Sun Jan 13 02:46:03 PST 2008
==> Backing up storage to /backups/storage.zfs.%%% (method: zfs)
==> Start time: Sun Jan 13 02:46:03 PST 2008
==> End time:   Sun Jan 13 03:29:33 PST 2008

Filesystem   1024-blocks      Used     Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad8s1a       507630    211410    255610    45%    /
/dev/ad8s1d      8122126    108502   7363854     1%    /var
/dev/ad8s1e      4058062       420   3732998     0%    /tmp
/dev/ad8s1f     32494668   2023282  27871814     7%    /usr
/dev/ad8s1g    139955812     11640 128747708     0%    /home
/dev/ad10s1d   473009638 146843210 288325658    34%    /backups
storage        957526016 124001408 833524608    13%    /storage

And here's what you see on /backups:

total 144005480
drwxr-xr-x    6 root      wheel              512 16 Oct 10:08 home/
drwxr-xr-x   24 root      wheel              512 13 Jan 23:49 rootfs/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 126996957624 13 Jan 03:29 storage.zfs.0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 747136 14 Jan 02:46 storage.zfs.1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 541937432 15 Jan 02:45 storage.zfs.2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 4408684056 9 Jan 02:46 storage.zfs.3 -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 4716827040 10 Jan 02:47 storage.zfs.4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 5362108640 11 Jan 02:47 storage.zfs.5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 5362108640 12 Jan 02:47 storage.zfs.6
drwxr-xr-x   17 root      wheel              512  1 Dec 09:06 usr/
drwxr-xr-x   23 root      wheel              512  6 Jan 01:36 var/

For the ZFS incremental storage.zfs.2 (541MB of data), the time was very
quick (9 seconds)

==> Backing up storage to /backups/storage.zfs.%%% (method: zfs)
==> Start time: Tue Jan 15 02:45:26 PST 2008
==> End time:   Tue Jan 15 02:45:35 PST 2008

I have dump/restore on UFS2 via ssh times if you want them as well.
They're not pretty.

ZFS is indeed very nice, I'm running it at home for a not-so- important server.. I love it! Have been working without a single hickup since I started using it (end of November). We've been thinking of doing using a fbsd machine with ZFS, but the dump/restore scheme wouldnt help us since the machines beeing backupd doesnt run ZFS (didnt exist on Fbsd/wasnt stable enough when those where setup). So relying on ZFS's dump/restore for the backupee- >backup box is, I'm afraid, not an option. However the snapshots could ofcourse be usable on the backup box, ie copying the files first time, creating a snapshot, rsyncing new versions, new shapshot & new rsync and so on, if I've understood the snapshots correct (havent played with them very much yet). However this wont work either, or at least probably not very effective since the data should be encrypted and not in plaintext.

Another idea would be to go with some regular 1U box running some FBSD, doing scp to the box and geli local on the box but that would require me to have the encryption keys on that box (which would be shared so thus no good

I would recommend going this route, at least in regards to the 1U box
running FreeBSD. See above comment about GELI. scp to the box would be
fine; why does this part worry you?

Well, explained above, I *wont* be the only one with access to it.

Any other ideas? Being able to rsync to the backup storage instead of just sending big encrypted tarballs would be very nice (and I guess that would
be possible with geli version)

See above, re: why is encryption needed?

Above again.

Again, thanks you very much for all your time and thoughts, very much appreciated!

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