Please note that unionfs still has a few bugs!
You will need at least patchset p19 for mounting devfs below/above unionfs mounts.
There is also a patchset p20, still experimental, you might want to try it.

-- Jille

Oliver Fromme schreef:
Andriy Gapon wrote:
> But, by the way, there is a (slightly) more valid reason to want to > create a directory under /dev, I recently had it. For one non-standard > third-party application I needed to create a link to existing device in > a certain subdirectory. I.e.:
 > /dev/subdirX/device -> /dev/deviceX
 > And I couldn't do that.

You could create a directory elsewhere and use UNIONFS to
merge it with your existing /dev.  I haven't tried this,
but I think it should work.

# mkdir /mydev
# mount -t unionfs -o below /mydev /dev
# cd /mydev
# mkdir subdirX
# ln -s /dev/deviceX subdirX/device

The "-o below" option is used so that any modifications on
/dev -- such as creating symlinks -- still happen on the
real /dev, not on /mydev.

Best regards

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