>-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gerrit Kühn
>Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2008 7:58 PM
>To: Gerrit Kühn
>Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; freebsd-stable@freebsd.org
>Subject: Re: broken re(4)
>On Wed, 28 May 2008 17:56:10 +0200 Gerrit Kühn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote about Re: broken re(4):
>GK> PY> http://people.freebsd.org/~yongari/re/re.HEAD.20080519
>GK> Somehow the two interfaces seem to interfer with each other. Can I 
>GK> provide further information for fixing this?
>Meanwhile I booted the machine with the patch several times. I get either
the same status as without the patch (both interfaces basically working, but
with hangs and checksum errors under load) or I get one interface working
fine and one not working at all.
>I tried turning one if off in the bios, but this didn't change the
>situation: The remaining one is either working with problems or not at all.
>Can I do anything else? Is the newer patch (from yesterday) in your
directory above worth giving a try?
>  Gerrit

--- Reply ---
You might try, after rebooting, to physically unplug and replug your
networking cables.

I have a few EN-15000 and SN-18000 motherboards attached to different types
of switches. With the SN-18000 on FreeBSD 7.0R-p1 to make the vge NIC
function even after rebooting I need to unplug the NIC's. Doesn't matter
what switch, or even using a crossover cable, the card needs to reinitialise
itself.  This may be similar the problem that you're experiencing.  And as
Pyon YongHyeon mentions there is a lot of variety with rl and re cards, I
also use re in my ITX motherboards, without experiencing your issues.

Also, after rebooting your machines try performing tcpdump -vv on the
interface that isn't working while (ie before & after) you try the
unplug/plug sequence.  (vge's since 6.1R experience a lot of incorrect
checksums.)  I'm suggesting these steps as they might also assist others
with clues to assist diagnoses with your re's)
Regards, Dewayne.

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