
Traditionally axe(4) didn't support reprogramming station address
(node id) as datasheet does not mention the required command.
However AX88178 datasheet has the command and it seems the command
works as expected. I've attached patch which will enable changing
ethernet address of the controller for AX88178/AX88772/AX88172.
I couldn't test it on AX88772 and AX88172 controller. So if you
have these controllers would you give it try let me know how it
goes on your controller?

Check the ethernet address and change it to other address with
ifconfig(8). The following command will change the ethernet address
to aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff.
#ifconfig ue0 down
#ifconfig ue0 ether aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
#ifconfig ue0 up
After that check whether you can still use network.

Hans, would you review the patch?
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