So, is it going to be included in FreeBSD 10 now? As I can see code
freeze for CURRENT is planned on 7 September 2013 (10 days from now).
It's not much time.

2013/8/17 Abhishek Gupta (LIS) <>:
> Hi Pavel,
> Thanks for inquiring about the BSD drivers for Hyper-V. We (Microsoft) are 
> actively working on these drivers and the intent is to get them integrated in 
> to the kernel within the next month or so. There are some issues we are 
> trying to address:
> a) Witness panic during boot time due to a specific memory allocation.
> b) Bypass usage of disk labels to ensure that devices do not get reordered 
> under FreeBSD.
> c) Locks up on 32 bit builds.
> d) Lack of KVP support for BSD drivers
> We are working hard every day to finish these items.
> Even though an official announcement has not gone out, I would highly 
> encourage you to start testing the drivers. As they are in project branch now 
> they should be easy to compile. The only requirement is to set up disk labels 
> before rebooting a kernel that includes the Hyper-V drivers otherwise the 
> system will not boot up.
> Please let me know if you have more questions or have feedback.
> Thanks again for your interest.
> Abhishek
> ________________________________________
> From: Peter Grehan <>
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 11:30 AM
> To: Abhishek Gupta (LIS)
> Subject: Fwd: Hyper-V driver development status
> Want to reply to this ?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Hyper-V driver development status
> Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 17:00:57 +0400
> From: Pavel Timofeev <>
> To:
> Hi all!
> I'd like to know what's happening with hyper-v driver development in
> FreeBSD.
> I know about svn branch but there is no active progress in there.
> What's the roadmap? Or we are waiting for something?
> What is the current status of that project?
> I could do some tests. Or it's too early?
> I'm looking forward to use it =)
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