Hi Jerry,

The Linux Jailhouse (https://github.com/siemens/jailhouse) project is one
means of implementing an AMP solution for x64. Does bhyve offers similar

 Yes, indirectly:

In this case the guest can be viewed as a single threaded for(;;) loop that
polls the USB3 controller, with the guest locked to a single core etc.
(Practically, effectively I think, a subset of the ELF loader code in the
fork here: https://github.com/g40/bhyveosvload)

For these type of use-cases, you would pin a guest to a single core, and use cpusets to prevent FreeBSD from running on that core. The

For these type of use-cases, you would pin the guest to a single core using the bhyve '-p' option, and use the cpuset command to prevent FreeBSD itself from running on that core.

The key question, I think, revolves around PCI passthru capabilities. Is it
possible to isolate and map specific hardware into the guest whilst running
under the hypervisor?
In this case it would be highly advantageous _not_ to
virtualize the XHCI controller but I am not sure if this can be done within

 Stock PCI passthru works this way.


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