On 7 September 2014 08:09, Nathan Whitehorn <nwhiteh...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> I've been having some issues with connection stability in urtwn for several
> months. The usual symptom is that after some period of time the connection
> will apparently stall. If I'm running ping continuously, for instance, it
> will at some point stop receiving replies. Then, sometime later, immediately
> if I use the "reassociate" command in wpa_cli, the connection will fix
> itself and all the packets I didn't get earlier get delivered at once:
> hundreds of ping replies, for instance, some with time stamps minutes in the
> past. No data is actually lost, though.
> I think the issue is that the driver does not actually support powersave
> mode (maybe it should?) but reports to the AP that it does:
>> ifconfig wlan0 list sta (this is on the AP)
> 80:1f:02:cc:47:a9    1   11  11M  8.5    0   5526  55712 EPS AE      RSN
> I don't know enough about wireless to fix this, but the AP waiting for a
> powersave poll and never getting one seems consistent with the problem. Is
> there a simple way just to disable advertising this?

When it next stalls, check ifconfig wlan0 and ifconfig urtwn0 - see if
OACTIVE is set.

I know iwn and ath had problems in the past where OACTIVE handling was
plain broken (wasn't behind locks) and in an SMP, preemptive world
things got gunked up.

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