El día Thursday, April 18, 2019 a las 08:05:53AM -0700, Adrian Chadd escribió:

> that means it SHOULD be ready for normal HCI operation. bcdDevice=1 is what
> the driver uses to determine if it's only in the boot ROM. Yours either got
> it in a previous boot, or it has a ROM with the full firmware.

btw: I switched from ChromeOS in developer mode to boot FreeBSD from USB by
'reboot' and not by power-cycle. Maybe that's the reason why the
firmware is still loaded.

> Try starting bluetooth now and do an inquiry.

# grep ubt0 /var/log/messages                                                   
Apr 18 14:29:46 c720-r342378-usb kernel: ubt0 on uhub1                          
Apr 18 14:29:46 c720-r342378-usb kernel: ubt0: <vendor 0x0489 product 0xe056, 
class 224/1, rev 1.10/0.02, addr 3> on usbus0   

# service bluetooth start ubt0                                                  
/etc/rc.d/bluetooth: ERROR: Unable to setup Bluetooth stack for device ubt0     
# /etc/rc.d/hcsecd onestart                                                     
Starting hcsecd.                                                                
# service bluetooth start ubt0                                                  
ng_hci_process_command_timeout: ubt0hci - unable to complete HCI command 
OGF=0x3, OCF=0x3. Timeout                                                       
/etc/rc.d/bluetooth: ERROR: Unable to setup Bluetooth stack for device ubt0

anything else to test?

Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub
70 years of NATO - 70 years of wars (Jugoslavia, Afghanistan, Syria, ...) and 
70 years
of war preparation against Russia.  -- PEACE instead of NATO !
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