On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 14:12 -0800, Deb Heller-Evans wrote:
> I'm new to Xen, and have been digging around the Internet.  I have a Xen 
> CentOS kernel installed on an Intel 64-bit system:
> Linux myhost.com 2.6.18-92.el5xen #1 SMP Tue Jun 10 19:20:18 EDT 2008 
> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> Using:
> xen-3.0.3-64.el5_2.9,
> kernel-xen-2.6.18-92.el5
> I need to learn FreeBSD, and so I thought I'd do it under CentOS using 
> Xen.  My intent was to load FreeBSD 7.x as a domU, but as I perused the 
> Internet, I am seeing that there are issues with Intel 64-bit CentOS 
> systems and that the domU kernel needs to have PAE support (I have 16GB 
> memory on my system).
> Given the current state of the Universe, and the fact that I know next 
> to nothing about FreeBSD at the moment, does anyone have any sage advise 
> and recommendations for me?
Given that you are new to FreeBSD, I would recommend building
fully-virtualized (as opposed to paravirtualized) domU, provided that
your hardware and software supports that. That would give you stable
FreeBSD playground from which you could move on to -CURRENT, with its
Xen support, when you feel comfortable with the platform. I am running
fully-virtualized FreeBSD 6.4 domU under OpenSuSE 11.0/Xen 3.2.1 and it
seems to be quite happy. I have picked 6.4 just because that was what I
needed at the time, but I suspect that 7.1 would work too.

Just my 2c.

> Thanks (in advace - as they say),
> deb
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Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko (Олександр Коваленко)

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