<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39331 >

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mon Apr 09 21:46:34 2007]:

> Here are some bugs from a long game I played.

> For some strange reason, Sun Tzu's War Academy is unavailable for
> It is crossed out on the build list even after gaining Feudalism.  If
it was
> built and destroyed in the early game (don't think it was), then the
> Traveler's Report should list it as destroyed.

I can confirm this happens on 2.1.0-beta4 as well. However, the fact
that it is crossed out on the build list does not mean you can't build
it! As a   test, I added it, and when the previous item was completed,
my city started building the war academy, no problem. (It still shows up
as crossed out in the worklist, but otherwise behaves normally -- it
calculates turns to complete, I've used a caravan to contribute to it,

I'm crossing my fingers that I won't run into a further bug when it
tries to complete and give me the veteran bonus. I will followup once I
get further along in the game and it completes.

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