<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39577 >

When you bribe a city in 2.0, the units are not transfered correctly.
Actually, you get all the homecities of the units.

It seems there were an error at revision 13057:
(PR#39431) Cannot add settlers to city

patch by "Timothy Brownawell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Previous S2_1 revision 13052, trunk revision 13053.

Also, another wipe_unit(vunit) removed from server/citytools.c, 
already removed from S2_1, but I cannot find the bug report.

But wipe_unit(vunit) in 2.0 is needed, because transfer_unit() makes
already a new unit. In 2.1, the same structure is used, so there is no

--- server/citytools.c.old	2007-08-16 17:32:00.000000000 +0200
+++ server/citytools.c	2007-08-16 17:32:19.000000000 +0200
@@ -619,6 +619,7 @@
       /* Don't transfer units already owned by new city-owner --wegge */ 
       if (unit_owner(vunit) == pvictim) {
 	transfer_unit(vunit, pcity, verbose);
+        wipe_unit(vunit);
 	unit_list_unlink(units, vunit);
       } else if (!pplayers_allied(pplayer, unit_owner(vunit))) {
         /* the owner of vunit is allied to pvictim but not to pplayer */
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