<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39675 >

<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39675 >

> 2007/9/7, Daniel Markstedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I ran some tests with DejaVuSans.ttf available in the
> "dejavu-ttf-2.19" package from
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=111220&package_id=120289
> It works very nicely in Czech, Greek, Russian, and Ukrainian locales.
> In Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew locales, the letters show up fine, but in
> the wrong direction. The SDL client does obviously not support
> right-to-left writing systems. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are not
> supported.
> One thing I noticed is that it seems to have greater line spacing than
> Vera, giving the message windows and menus an 'airier' feel.
>  ~Daniel

=) I'm a Russian, but now live in Israel.. and I think what font
DejaVu - best of the best for Hebrew locale (in open-source *nix OSes
like Linux, *BSD because in Windows/Mac OS X may be other good
fonts..), _but_ we use open-source.. ;)
I tested Freeciv with
1. DejaVu Sans Condensed,
2. Vera Sans,
3. Liberation Sans fonts
and 2 locales
1. ru_RU.UTF-8
2. he_IL.UTF-8
  DejaVu Sans Condensed - very nice
  Vera Sans - not support
  Liberation Sans - nice
  DejaVu Sans Condensed - all work fine..
  Vera Sans - not support
  Liberation Sans - not support..
Freeciv screenshot with he_IL.UTF-8 locale + DejaVu Sans Condensed font =>

I think need to do DejaVu's fonts - default font in SDL-client..
I understand too what DejaVu can't support all locales, but can be
used for specific fonts for Chinese, Japanese and Korean locales...

~Nikita "dragon_djanic" Bukhvostov

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