<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39923 >

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mi 28. Nov 2007, 08:43:08]:
> (you'll need at least 3 GGZ packages/libraries to get through the 
> configure process, libggz, ggz-client-libs, and ggz-gtk-client).  If 
> this is packaged with the windows GTK client then we should quickly 
> have a player base.

Provided that we get it to work on Windows (see PR#39855). On my
computer the GTK+ client still freezes when trying to launch or join a
game, but perhaps somebody else can try it, too? Here's a current 2.1.1


With the SDL client it seems to work better. When launching a game with
the SDL client (started by external ggz-gtk) the ggzd log reads:


4 => <ENTER ROOM='1'/>
=> 4 <RESULT ACTION='enter' CODE='ok'/>
4 => <LIST TYPE='table'/>
=> 4 <RESULT ACTION='list' CODE='ok'>
=> 4 <LIST TYPE='table' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 </LIST>
=> 4 </RESULT>
4 => <LIST TYPE='player'/>
=> 4 <RESULT ACTION='list' CODE='ok'>
=> 4 <LIST TYPE='player' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 <PLAYER ID='Christian' TYPE='guest' TABLE='-1' PERMS='0x00000043'
=> 4 </LIST>
=> 4 </RESULT>
=> 6 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
=> 6 <SESSION>
=> 6 <SERVER ID='GGZ-0.0.14' NAME='An Unconfigured GGZ Server'
=> 6 <OPTIONS CHATLEN='512'/>
=> 6 </SERVER>
6 => <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
6 => <SESSION>
<CHANNEL ID='Christian' />
=> 6 </SESSION>
4 => <LAUNCH>
4 => <TABLE GAME='0' SEATS='1'>
<SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='reserved'>Christian</SEAT>
[15861]: Launching table: /usr/local/bin/civserver
This is the server for Freeciv version 2.1.1
You can learn a lot about Freeciv at http://www.freeciv.org/
[15861]: TABLE_START - Christian started a new game of Freeciv in
Freeciv 2.1
=> 4 <UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='add' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 <TABLE ID='1' GAME='0' STATUS='1' SEATS='1'>
=> 4 <DESC></DESC>
=> 4 <SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='reserved'>Christian</SEAT>
=> 4 </TABLE>
=> 4 </UPDATE>
=> 4 <RESULT ACTION='launch' CODE='ok'/>
[15861]: TABLE_JOIN - Christian joined seat 0 at table 1 of room Freeciv
2.1 in game of Freeciv
=> 4 <UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='join' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 <TABLE ID='1' SEATS='1'>
=> 4 <SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='player'>Christian</SEAT>
=> 4 </TABLE>
=> 4 </UPDATE>
=> 4 <JOIN TABLE='1' SPECTATOR='false'/>
=> 4 <PING/>
4 => <PONG/>
=> 4 <PING/>
4 => <PONG/>

and when trying to lauch a game with the GTK+ client:


4 => <ENTER ROOM='1'/>
=> 4 <RESULT ACTION='enter' CODE='ok'/>
4 => <LIST TYPE='table'/>
=> 4 <RESULT ACTION='list' CODE='ok'>
=> 4 <LIST TYPE='table' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 </LIST>
=> 4 </RESULT>
4 => <LIST TYPE='player'/>
=> 4 <RESULT ACTION='list' CODE='ok'>
=> 4 <LIST TYPE='player' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 <PLAYER ID='Christian' TYPE='guest' TABLE='-1' PERMS='0x00000043'
=> 4 </LIST>
=> 4 </RESULT>
=> 4 <PING/>
4 => <PONG/>
=> 4 <PING/>
=> 4 <UPDATE TYPE='player' ACTION='lag' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 <PLAYER ID='Christian' LAG='2'/>
=> 4 </UPDATE>
=> 4 <UPDATE TYPE='player' ACTION='lag' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 <PLAYER ID='Christian' LAG='3'/>
=> 4 </UPDATE>
=> 4 <UPDATE TYPE='player' ACTION='lag' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 <PLAYER ID='Christian' LAG='4'/>
=> 4 </UPDATE>
=> 4 <UPDATE TYPE='player' ACTION='lag' ROOM='1'>
=> 4 <PLAYER ID='Christian' LAG='5'/>
=> 4 </UPDATE>

and then the client freezes here.

> For the SDL client things are a bit more work.  You can't connect to the 
> gaming server from within freeciv; rather you have to run an external 
> client to connect and then it will launch freeciv when you join a game. 
>   This would mean one of the GGZ clients should be bundled with the SDL 
> client for windows.
> -jason

Here's a package with the GGZ-GTK client bundled. Please somebody test.


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