<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40224 >

Marko Lindqvist wrote:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40224 >
> 2008/5/3 Jason Dorje Short:
>>  Marko Lindqvist wrote:
>>  >
>>  >  I set up game and saved in - still in pregame. Loading this savegame
>>  > leads to failing sanity checks and crashes.
>>  >
>>  >  I don't see any reason to saving in pregame (I've done it as
>>  > developer in order to some tests, but that's another story) I think we
>>  > can simply disallow saving in pregame with message directing user to
>>  > /write -command.
>>  What about for scenarios?
>  Saving part: What actually is the current correct way of creating scenarios?

None yet; as the editor is incomplete all real scenarios must be 
hand-modified in the savefile text I believe.

>  I have a patch that adds separate server command for saving current
> (running, not pregame!) game as scenario and related menu item "Save
> as scenario" to client/editor.

Some scenarios might be considered "running" (with players, cities, etc) 
and some not (just with a list of nations and potential starting 
points).  This distinction may not even be useful.

>  Loading part: It's quite possible that these problems I have in
> loading games saved in pregame break also legal scenarios, so they
> have to be fixed.



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