<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40370 >

Marko Lindqvist wrote:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40370 >
> 2008/7/10 Jason Dorje Short:
>> Yes, sucks.  Whoever designed it obviously never actually played the
>> game.  Borders never expand, even to the area covered by the city, while
>> you're in a phase of growth.  This means no matter how long you play you
>> will generally never even control your own land.  The visual effect is
>> entirely unappealing as the whole screen gets covered with border lines.
>  Good news is that this should be fixable by one-liner adjusting how
> vision-site size is determined.
>  One problem with your screenshot is that all cities there are size 1
> - borders are not even expected to be very far from cities in that
> point (not that I too much like the way these two things are tied
> together). What is the value of your borders setting? (Yes, someone
> changed how it behaves without touching "/help borders" text)

My value is the default.  And yeah, they're all size 1, that's what I 
mean by "growth phase".  Building all settlers they never grow, yet 
borders should ALWAYS grow to cover at least the city area in time.


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