Update of bug #24120 (project freeciv):

                Category:               client-qt => client                 
                  Status:                    None => Ready For Test         
             Assigned to:                   mir3x => jtn                    
         Planned Release:         2.5.2, 2.6, 3.0 => 2.5.2, 2.6.0, 3.0.0    
                 Summary: Replace Yellow player color with darker yellow =>
Yellow player color makes city size number hard readable


Follow-up Comment #4:

Patches implementing the idea from comment #1.

This changes the display in all clients, not just Qt. (In particular, this
also improves the SDL clients, which don't use drop shadows.)

On S2_6 and later it adds a new required 'colors.mapview_citytext_dark' to the
tileset. (On S2_5 data formats are frozen, so it uses COLOR_MAPVIEW_UNKNOWN.
This is an abuse, but one already perpetrated by gui-xaw for its drop

It also obliges GUIs to provide a new function color_brightness_score() (on
all branches). (Not sure what effect this has on Freeciv-web.)

(file #26051, file #26052, file #26053)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: trunk-citybar-colour-contrast.patch Size:25 KB
File name: S2_6-citybar-colour-contrast.patch Size:29 KB
File name: S2_5-citybar-colour-contrast.patch Size:15 KB


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