On Mar 10, 2015 5:57 AM, "Michael T. Pope" <mp...@computer.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2015 10:54:50 +0100
> win...@genial.ms wrote:
> > I feel I need to admit it now, this is the only "BR" I feel strongly
> > and I know that it exists since years (and when getting reminded of it
> > always hoping it gets forgotten, ignored or even finally closed).
> I have never closed it because I was hoping for some strong justification
> why dialogs should be/not be resizable.  This thread is another attempt to
> get to that point.  So far all we have is your arguments in favour of
> resizability.  Are there any good reasons for dialogs *not* to be
> resizable?

After trying to use FreeCol with narrow windows, it has become clear to me
that all panels should be resizeable until at least such a time as the code
has been cleaned up to handle narrow screen resolutions.

For instance, the Europe panel is not resizable, so after my test, I'm
stuck with a panel that's clipped and I can't resize it see the far right

> >>[ColonyPanel]
> > For me even as few as an estimated 60 pixels added to the panel width
> > alleviate the pblem, with always having to resize it to have all
> > shown without scrollbars, most of the time.
> What needs to happen here is for the code that saves/restores panel sizes
> from the client options to be kicked into working again.  Then you (and
> indeed, everyone) gets to set their dialog sizes to what they like, and it
> stays that way, and we do not have to worry that much about the default
> sizes.  However I probably broke that code when dealing with the
> FreeColDialog rewrite and have never got back to it.
Anyway to set that stuff (panel sizes) back to defaults?


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