I got it too on my RPi 2, only 2017-02-02 was 100% working well.
On the last build .img, there's a bug about your @MAC address changing...
With my RPi 2, I it booting quickly when I plug the power, then only 1
time the green LED is blinking, then you see nothing on the screen.
If I check new IP on my DHCP server, I see a new MAC in my leases.
Freedombox will change it, and GUI web interface is ok.
But if I want to debug with keyboard plugged on the RPi itself, it's of
course impossible because there's no console available...


Sadly, I think this .img has too many problems for using it everydays :
- no console / no video to admin the board
- !!!***MAC address :p

May be the RPi 3 has same problems ?

Good luck devs ;)

Le 08/08/2017 à 22:30, Johannes Keyser a écrit :
> Dear all,
> During yesterday's FreedomBox installfest at SHA2017.org, several
> people encountered problems installing on an RPi3: No apparent
> response (no flashing of green LED during boot), except for the
> testing image, freedombox-testing-nonfree_2017-02-02_raspberry2-armhf.img.
> Can anyone contradict this observation, e.g. with successful install
> of freedombox-stable-nonfree_2017-07-17_raspberry2-armhf.img?
> (Assuming this should be possible. I have no RPi3 to test it myself.)
> Other than this, the event was well received: About 10 people turned
> up, despite our short notice announcement. Some went indeed away with a
> fresh install, but there also was unforeseen friction in many cases.
> So with 20:20 hindsight, for those who'd like to organize such an
> event in the future, here some advice.
> Many people struggled with finding, downloading, and flashing the
> (correct) image - and our audience were veterans of the command line.
> The next big hurdle is how to connect to the freedombox with
> your laptop. We had a switch in place, but some reverted to setting up
> an DHCP on their laptopt and connected via direct "cross-over" Ethernet.
> Hence consider 1) to download the common (i.e. RPi 2 or 3) images
> beforehand and offer them on USB sticks or on a local server, and
> maybe 2) run a local DHCP server (and help people figure out their MAC
> addresses to identify their box). Also offer the option of a virtual
> machine install - some are mainly interested in testing the web UI,
> and run Debian since decades.
> Finally, it's a good idea to summarize the key websites and installation
> steps on a handout sheet. Never rely on the Internet during such an
> event :).
> Best,
> Johannes
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