LG> Sad to see that, Tom! But you're right - there is no logic in
LG> lawyer's thinking.
I'm only a programmer - with a programmer's brain.
Why use licensing terms I can't understand myself?

LG> However, what if we compose a special FreeDOS
LG> License, best suited to our needs (saying everything about
LG> executable packers, library code, inline compiler code, embedded
LG> systems use, and so on - all issues that are NOT satisfactory
LG> solved by the GPL, for example the ethernal question of the
LG> distinction between "combining" and "aggregation", WITHOUT the GPL
LG> virus effect), so this "FreeDOS License" becomes yet another item
LG> in the following rather long list of GPL-compatible licenses?

If this license fits on a single page - maybe.
If not, I'll 'invent' my own.
some thing like 'Tom's free! open! source! license'


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