Hi Bernd,

>        Having all of my notes on a web page that everyone can see,
> and using a tool which is very quick to edit those nodes so that I am
> more likely to keep them up-to-date, will be of great benefit to
> everyone when I suddenly disappear from the community :)

But the page doesn't show any download link, CVS snapshots or whatever.

        Fixed, I put a download link for the existing releases on
there and mentioned that they are pretty much identical to what is in
CVS.  I also put an "alpha" version on there which is my code in its
current state which I think is not too bad..

I would appreciate an interim non-public release of MEM to test things.
My batchcode and experiments often have the habit of exposing bugs/issues in programs by accident.

        ..maybe you will prove me wrong though :)

        By the way, check README.TXT for the things not yet fixed.

most programs can be run with '/?' and will show a string then.
either look for a line with 'version' or with %name_of_program%

        We don't ship with anything like 'grep' though do we?

@echo off
date /d > report.txt
time /t >> report.txt

        Looks good to me.  Do we already have this?


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