Aitor SantamarĂ­a Merino wrote:

Hi there,

Given the interest back of the FreeDOS 1.0 issue, and in the understanding of the several calls for a near FreeDOS 1.0 release, opposing the more conservative opinions of Jeremy or myself respect to this, I have been thinking and perhaps Alain's idea of a nearer FreeDOS 1.0 distribution followed by a FreeDOS 1.1 which would fulfill pending wishes, plus the huge amount of bugs/problems that would arise from such a FreeDOS 1.0 distribution, would be an excellent compromise solution.

So the idea would be that FreeDOS 1.0 does not get stalled with some remaining features (like, say, PRINT /D) that are unlikely to be written in a near future (or ever).

I'd like to launch a proposal, with this points:
(a) That the features that are not being demanded AND not being developed, AND not found interesting by developers be put away till FreeDOS 1.1 (but not later) (b) That the features that are not changing functionality or interface, but are optimisations or re-works be left for FreeDOS 1.1 (not later) (c) That the rest of official distributions would be called Beta9 SRx till the remaining features/bugs are fulfilled, then we would make a pre-resease of FreeDOS 1.0 and have it under quarantine
Am I being too simplistic? conservative?

Nobody's going to work on things nobody's working on until somebody gets the itch.

To start with, I'd like to divide the remaining work in three parts:
(1) FreeCOM
(2) The rest
(3) Bugs,
starting with FreeCOM in this mail, left the rest for later.

About FreeCOM, I ignore if Steffen is out there still developing or with interest in his wonderful project. I do not dare change his roadmap, cleanly stated in:

But I am starting to reconsider wether all of them are needed for a FreeDOS launch, and I would suggest, of course guided by Jeremy or other people, such as Tom or Bart, that know well about the internals, that the features are changed in order, so that those features required for FreeDOS 1.0 are put first.

For example, to my mind the following two would be essential:
- INT-2E backdoor
- Wildcards for REN, same filename pattern matching code for REN, COPY and DIR

Whereas there seem to me like optimisations that may be left for later (FD 1.1), whichever the FreeCOM version is (1.0 or not): - Input/output functions to replace <stdio.h> by <io.h> (aka replace FILE*-based I/O by handle-based one)

Personally, I don't know if this is a good optimization because <stdio.h> is Standard C, while <io.h> is an extension. It should be possible to mimic the functions in <io.h> with the functions in <stdio.h> just by turning off the buffering on the FILE* (the standard function setbuf() and setvbuf() set the file's buffering). The whole point of buffering is to minimize calls to the operating system to do reads and writes.

If you think stdio is bad, wait until you get to C++; iostreams are worse.

- Strict error recognition, probably _doserrno based
- Code sharing of modules

I ignore what is meant by DOS=HIGH, does it mean that FreeCOM would request DOS for swapping a piece of HMA, if possible?

Finally there are these two related to swapping. I currently ignore the status of these two, if someone can explain/advocate for these two I'd be happy, thanks. - Swapping without any supporting secondary programs (KSSF.COM and VSPAWN.COM)
- Redirection in conjunction with Swapping
I remember that in older versions of FreeCOM you had to use external programs (was it KSSF?) to swap it out, but I ignore the current status of swapping.

[Constructive] opinions?


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