I still think it would still be easier to build a calculator API and just 
implement what you need into Blocek. Simple calculations would be of course 
easy to do, but imagine having to do complex functions, with nested levels 
would require recursive calls on an interrupt...

The original intent of interrupt handlers of course are to perform quick 
tasks and return to the caller, so that would rule out the interrupt theory. 
However, I am not without a suggestion. FDRC can use an Interrupt to give an 
address to a function lookup table in ES:BX DX:AX whatever. Each of the 
mathematical functions of FDRC can be offset from that table...

The only problem would be the return issue, perhaps pass a pointer in 
another register pair or push a pointer on the stack.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Oleg O. Chukaev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ladislav Lacina" <freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-devel] ideas about FreeDOS resident calculator

> Ladislav Lacina wrote:
>>FDRC is nice and comfortable. But you could go further. Now is the TSR
>>module called by hotkey. What about making a alternate interface through
>>some interrupt? Now FDRC serves to  users but if you would make some API
>>let's say on 2Fh DOS multiplex it could serve to programmers also.
>>I would like to implement into Blocek a calculator. I could, of course,
>>make own interface and own "brain" but if I could use some function from
>>FDRC, something like [ES:DI=pointer to math expression, AX=xxxxh,
>>INT2Fh --> EAX=computed value] it would be great and very interresting
>>from the technical point of view.
> Yes, I agree with you. Two functions are obvious (calculating the value
> of math expression, and checking for presence of another copy of FDRC
> in memory). Which functions should be available via INT 2f except
> these?
> Oleg O. Chukaev
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