On 5/15/07, Aitor SantamarĂ­a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just curious, as I have never used much of cvs and none of SVN
> (just MS Sourcesafe, pvcs and other commercial solutions), what would
> be the main advantages of SVN to CVS?

Losing the line-ending annoyance for one... there are other advantages
though, like off-line diffing, status and revert commands (in CVS you
need to do "rm file; cvs up file" to revert). There is a revision
number after each commit so it is straight forward to do a binary
search between commits in case there is a regression. And so on.

> (in other words, why would you care to make such a big effort?

well if it was a really big effort I wouldn't put it up. But it isn't.
There are automated conversion tools, and for people who understand
basic CVS, SVN is very easy to learn (basic usage is similar, it was
designed to be a "better CVS").


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