On Sat, 14 Jul 2007, Eric Auer wrote:

> Unfortunately, you cannot - your code is still only a TRANSLATION
> of Linux kernel code written in C with GPL license FIRST to Pascal
> and THEN to Assembly language,  but it still has some smell of GPL
> sticking to it. As you have written several functions from scratch,
> and as I have written some other functions from scratch, WE as the
> authors of THOSE functions can re-publish those functions under a
> Public Domain license. Then you could rewrite (stupid but true) the
> rest of LPTTEST from scratch based on the ieee1284 specs or another
> similar howto and then the whole of LPTTEST can become Public Domain.

One measly line in Diman (a disk image reader I wrote some years ago in 
QuickBasic) is the entire reason I had to gpl it, when I would rather have 
released it BSD.  (it was for parsing a FAT12 table; the code came from 
the FreeDOS kernel.)

I'm not anti-GPL, don't get me wrong, I just don't like tethering others 
down with it, so when I write simple userland tools, I usually BSD or PD 


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