On 1/5/08, Eric Auer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> > LIB for libraries. We never really defined a "lib" before because
> > FreeDOS doesn't support the shared-library model...
> I would put those in BIN if dynamic and in SOURCE if used to compile

I don't think under BIN if dynamic is a good idea. It mixes too much
non-user-executable stuff in BIN. BIN needs to be for user programs
only. If there is ever a dynamic lib concept, it should be in its own

But yes, looking back at the discussion, if the libraries are used to
compile, they should go under the package name in SOURCE (same as
normal practices.)

> > INCLUDE would be a good place for any *.h files that are associated
> > with the libraries in LIB. But I don't think I'd put them under LIB.
> > This should be a top-level directory.
> I would put those in SOURCE
> Actually I would not even use SOURCE but the subdirectory
> of SOURCE used by this package. After all, dependencies
> should know on which package they depend...

As above, if used to compile, they should go under the package name in
SOURCE (same as normal practices.)

To modify my original post with the above:

Binaries, such as exe and com files. And if a program is made
of of a bat file, then that goes in BIN too. Programs only.

Package documentation, with each package having its own directory such
as DOC\INSTALL or DOC\4DOS, etc. This allows a complicated package
such as a compiler or programmable editor to include more than just a
readme (perhaps sample code for the compiler, technical notes or other
references, etc.)

The help files. I think the original FD directory structure was
based on a UNIX-like directory tree, and the HELP directory was
originally going to have subdirectories a-la UNIX 'man' sections:
HELP\1, HELP\2, ... But that didn't make much sense in the end, so
only the top-level HELP directory stuck. Later, we added an html-based
Help program, so that needs its own directory for html files. I don't
use the htmlHelp program, but it looks like the top directory for its
files is in HELP\EN (i.e. the language.) That makes sense, I suppose.

For source code (when installed) with each package having its
own directory. (Source package [spkg] only.)

If there is ever a dynamic lib concept, it should be in its own LIB.
(future concept)


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