Op 6-7-2011 6:22, Steve Nickolas schreef:
> On Tue, 5 Jul 2011, Jim Michaels wrote:
>> how on earth shall I expect to build a bootable ISO image with mkisofs?
> Put a boot floppy image in the folder and use
>     mkisofs -b filename.144 -o filename.iso path/

And isolinux as bootloader, instead of direct floppy emulation:

mkisofs -boot-info-table -no-emul-boot -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -o 

I'd recommend to download some FreeDOS ISO to analyse directory layout 
and file contents :)

C:\MAKEISO (final ISO might end up here)
C:\MAKEISO\SHELL (autorun.inf goes here)
C:\MAKEISO\SHELL\ISOLINUX (1st ISO might end up here, also 
isolinux.bin/isolinux.cfg, fdboot.img)
C:\MAKEISO\CONTENTS (autorun.inf, setup.bat etc)
C:\MAKEISO\CONTENTS\ISOLINUX (isolinux.bin/isolinux.cfg, also fdboot.img)

Basically you can make it as complex as you like:
* easiest: direct floppy emulation (as Steve showed)
* harder: isolinux bootable ISO image (FreeDOS 1.0 for example)
* complex: FreeDOS 1.1 double ISO
* hard: adding Syslinux menu's, utilities, modules etc

I've yet to analyse PartedMagic ISO to see how they manage to get such a 
nice bootmenu.

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