Op 3-7-2011 4:26, Michael B. Brutman schreef:
> The second parameter is optional and allows you to do the rename.  This
> is similar to Unix command line clients.

Tested tonight, works like a charm :)
Confusingly, I've now got trouble getting WGET working, as I had the 
intention of downloading from fastest server I could find, using
1) FireFox 5 browser (win32, on Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Q6600 CPU)
2) WGET (WATTCP, FreeDOS 1.1, PCNTPK, VMware Workstation 7.1)
3) FTP (MTCP, FreeDOS 1.1, PCNTPK, VMware Workstation 7.1)

Starting with Ibiblio wasn't so smart, ended up below 300KB in all cases.

> On a low end Pentium system I've been able to get about 50% of the full
> line speed on a 100Mb PCI adapter.  That system should have been able to
> saturate the line ...

ftp://ftp.xs4all.nl/pub/test/10mb.bin :
1) 2.0 to 2.5MByte/second ( around 20Mbit/s, 25Mbit ISP subscription)
2) N/A , WGET not working
3) 500Kbyte/second ( around 4Mbit/s)

Trying to get FTP.EXE working with WGET syntax is funny.
Limitation: servername has "//" prepended to it which ftp.exe doesn't like.

Bug: DHCP.EXE doesn't start on newline, ruining IPADDRESS parameter
(my MTCP.CFG has PACKETINT 0x60 but lacked CR/LF somehow).

* FTP accepting "//" in front of a servername
* DHCP starting MTCP.CFG writes on a newline
* DHCP: different errorlevels for various situations instead of 
errorlevel 1 on all errors? aka "how to determine if packet driver still 
needs to be loaded"


-- download.bat/wget.bat --

@echo off
goto begin

rem No way yet to handle "server/dir/file -o filename"
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) do if not "%%%x"=="" echo arg%%x: %%%x
if "%1"=="-o" goto output
if "%1"=="ftp:" goto next
rem help/error/instruction message
goto error

rem get rid of "-o" in "-o filename server/dir/file"
if "%1"=="ftp:" goto begin
rem -o was followed by filename (no path allowed, just 8.3 filename)
set out=%1
rem get rid of filename as well
goto begin

rem get rid of "ftp:" meaning you end up with "servername/dir/filename"
if "%out%"=="" set out=out.bin
if exist %out% del %out%
if exist tmp.txt del tmp.txt
echo Time to write a nice script
echo anonymous> tmp.txt
rem Yay contact e-mail annex awesome spam filter
echo bbla...@gmail.com>> tmp.txt
echo binary>> tmp.txt
echo xfermode passive>> tmp.txt
echo get %2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9 %out%>> tmp.txt
rem FTP accepting/stripping "//" before a ftp server name would be 
rem allowing "FTP %1 < tmp.txt"
ftp ftp.xs4all.nl < tmp.txt
goto succes

echo File downloaded and written to local disk as %out%
set out=
goto end

echo Please start download URL with: ftp://
echo (e.g. ftp://ftp.xs4all.nl/pub/test/10mb.bin)
goto end

echo Program finished

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