Op 8-8-2011 22:31, Rugxulo schreef:

> No, I don't think it's been fixed since even SourceForge's Files area
> still only has 0.82pl3 !!!! Besides, who's the maintainer these days?
> (Bart? Doubt it, he's always busy.) I haven't heard from Blair in a
> long while.

I don't think there's any point in trying to add/fix things till a 
8086-compatible Watcom-based binary can be built with clear building 
instructions. Getting NASM (which version?!) and Openwatcom ready enough 
on a default extended FreeDOS distro to allow rebuilding kernel and 
FreeCOM would be very pleasant for experimenting/testing/patching purposes

Bart and Jeremy were busy getting that working, and some others managed 
to create a binary as well, though I think that was a 386+ one.


I'm liking 4DOS's loading options, deciding on the spot whether to not 
swap, or swap to disk or extended memory.

I'm wondering a few things though:

* has anyone managed to get SHELLHIGH working for whichever 
shell/program? Might be that FreeCOM is simply too large.

* does 
http://ericauer.cosmodata.virtuaserver.com.br/soft/specials/cmd.zip work 
as primary command processor, being able to load FreeCOM as secondary shell?

The idea if the primary CMD would be a:
(note: no /P as that disables EXIT)

@echo off
goto loop
run/load arg1 arg2 arg3 (etc)
rem if secondary shell exited:
goto loop

Use case:
* Clean boot
* Get real scared at conventional memory by MEM /C
* Load an XMS driver (JEMMEX or XMGR)
* exit secondary shell and have it auto-loaded again, instead swapping
   to XMS
* gain around 100KB low memory.

I'm not sure what 4DOS does in this scenario, besides auto-swapping to 
disk instead of a CALL /S or KSSF /S or whatever it was.

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