Hi Jim!

I've quite literally *just* begun work on this so it's nowhere near ready
for prime time. As soon as I fix the 'cd' command it'll be much more
useful, so I'll probably release the first version then even though the
advanced features won't be quite ready for another release or two. The
problem is that since it was originally part of my GUI, it was made to rely
on the functions available in that environment. Since it doesn't make sense
to port the entire code base just for a standalone shell, I'll be writing
new functions which accomplish the same job and yet don't depend on the
rest of the routines which comprised the GUI's makeshift API. Also, the
original source is PowerBASIC code, so I'm recoding it in QBASIC for
accessibility to a wider audience and to avoid the huge delay associated
with porting it to a completely different language such as C - if folks
like the shell, I can always do a C port later on. I'm hoping to have basic
usable functionality by the end of the year, and it will be released under
version 3 of the GPL.

I'm the only IT guy for my company so I know where you're coming from! No
problem on that other email, whenever you have time is fine.

It's great to be here and I'm looking forward to the project's future! :)
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