No worries, I still use QBASIC to this day when I have a little algorithm
which needs testing or some little utility program which needs made.

QBASIC *can* change interrupt vectors, but it requires you to load the
interrupt library (QB.QLB I believe?) first. To actually change the
interrupt vector, use DOS function 0x25
<>. It *is* possible
to set the vector directly using POKE on the appropriate values in the
interrupt vector table, but this is generally not advised as you're going
behind the back of DOS as it were. And that's never a good thing lol

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 6:01 AM, JAYDEN CHARBONNEAU <> wrote:

> Unfortunately,to my dismay,I found out today while programming the
> multi-user system that QBASIC (yes,I program in QBASIC) doesn't support
> creating interrupt vectors.Due to that fact,I cannot finish programming the
> muti-user system.I apologize for this setback,but it could not be
> helped.However,the LOCK.EXE program is finished,I just haven't found a good
> server to put it on yet.[?]
> -Jayden
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