
On Jun 2, 2015 3:36 PM, "JAYDEN CHARBONNEAU" <jcharbonnea...@cpsge.org>
> Hello.As of right now,I am trying to install FreeDOS on my
> 'lil Hp laptop.It does not have a CD drive,only two USB
> ports.So,I booted FreeDOS via USB,and ran the format /s
> command.It gave  me an error stating 'WARNING: No SYS
> in PATH - Could not install system files!".What do I need to
> do to make the laptop's harddrive bootable into FreeDOS?
> I have done this before,but that was when I had two
> computers with FreeDOS on it.Any help for the format
> /s command?

1). Do everything manually: fdisk, fdapm warmboot, format /q c:, sys a: c:
/bootonly, copy command.com and kernel.sys . Then unpack whatever other
.ZIPs you need.

2). Use RUFUS to install the .iso to bootable USB jump drive.

3). Use Mateusz's unofficial FDNPKG .iso from iBiblio instead of
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