Hello all,

No idea. Are you sure you didn't upload the wrong version? Try manually re-downloading it from GitHub, and see what that specific version does for you.
I had only a cursory look at the source, but the BIOS calls are so trivial that it should work everywhere. These are functions that are around since the days of the first PC...

I just tried out the program, and I think I found out why the keys sometimes get "stuck": the program uses BIOS calls to read for the keyboard _and_ also reads directly from the keyboard port (0x60) --- and this is probably what is getting the system (or emulator) all confused.

Since it is possible to do non-blocking polling of the keyboard buffer using the BIOS (int #0x16, ah = #1), I have written up a small patch to do this (https://github.com/tkchia/x86-pong/commit/b77a31b3d3f51511655b6692430d5933aaa4e1e5), which should address the problem.

Thank you!


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