I never used these tools, I had a whole night, where I read about fake-chips/sticks and read a lot of usb-stick-reviews, before I ordered a 256GB stick a few weeks ago. This is where my "information" is coming from. This is all I remember, I googled now for those links. They were not what I read the first time, but it is very close.

So I cant tell which one exactly could help. I think they are all "portable" tiny helper tools, so I would try them all and save a folder containing them for future usb-stick-issues. Personally I would pick ChipGenius, as i like the name ;)

At least all of those tools will try to get as much information from the controller they can get. Depends on the logic in this controller chip, but maybe this chip has a table of different flash chips and identifies himself differently with different flash chips. If one of those chips is now not readable anymore, it may be possible it uses a default. Which is not that unlikely as it reports 64MB, the smallest stick size this chip would support - *maybe*.

On 12/11/2018 05:25 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
Hi Nils et al,

So where do I find those tools you mention? I see you added some
links in a second mail, but with which one should I start? ;-)

One of those tools I've seen in those stick-tests was able to write
configuration data on the stick's controller.
Which one?

Also it could be helpful to identify the controller chip by it's label.
Is it possible to open your stick? If so, is the label readable?
Yes, absolutely! I had opened the stick to check the wiring, but
the loose contact was only in that Windows 10 PC, neither in the
stick nor in my own PC.

I do not think the other personality of the stick is USB gadget,
as it is rather old, as Jim has already guessed. Still it did
somehow get puzzled and changed something... Maybe it entered
some sort of security or update mode?

The controller is USBest UT161-T6G PCA041 0613BA. There are also
6 resistors, 6 capacitors, 1 LED, 1 crystal (12 MHz) and two
memory chips "Japan C66411 R1FV04G13RSA" which differ in their
other markings: One says 05 53 M82690, the other 06 04 A81842
with a "ROM USE ONLY" stamp on it which might mean a reduced
reliability for writes...

Of course it would be possible to buy another stick, but the
technical details of WHY it can still show up as USB device,
but no longer opens as storage, are intriguing enough to ask.

Regards, Eric

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