Hello all,

On my end, I have tweaked my gcc-ia16 toolchain build files, to avoid 
multi-line descriptions in the .lsm's for now.  I guess though that it is a bit 
late into the FreeDOS 1.3 release schedule to have this change included...
The 1.3 release is a little behind schedule and RC1 hasn’t shipped yet. Once it 
does, from that point on, only bug fixes for the release will be made. So, you 
update may make it into 1.3. After all, it’s a (not really) “bug fix” and not a 
new package.

Thank you! I have uploaded new packages for the gcc-ia16 toolchain, at https://github.com/tkchia/build-ia16/releases/tag/20190101 .

Besides fixing the package descriptions to make them fit onto single lines, I have also included in the packages some compiler optimizations and other minor features that I recently implemented.

I look forward to trying out the FreeDOS 1.3rc1 distribution.

Thank you!


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