Well, thinking a bit more... often "packages" will be on web sites.

And the user might well not care about let's say source code, even if builder 
wish to include it in the package.

Why force the user to download source code inside the package if he/she does 
not want it?

So I would propose that each package would be inside a directory.

The content of it should be:

name.key [builder key, the only file not signed (not crypted)]


  Program name

  Program version

  Builder name

  Build day

  Build hour

  Type of public builder source: none, GIT, included

    optional GIT_URL

    included_src_type: none, ZIP, etc.


  Type of public author source: none, GIT, etc

    option GIT_URL

The following are optional files:

  name.lvm (LLVM code)

  name.32b (32 bit code)

  name.16b (16 bit code)

  name.src  (it is up to the installer to change extension to archive type 
using info in name.hdr file if needed to decompress)

That way, the presence of the file indicate the presence of the previous 
optional section.

And it is now possible to download only what you care for.
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