For a fairly comprehensive* list I ran across this site, it lists code
pages and the first version of DOS seen

* where by comprehensive I mean just DOS based code pages, not
including the many additional ones available in other OSes such as
Windows (a more complete list for all OSes see )

codepage name
437 United States ("PC-ASCII")
710 Arabic (Transparent Arabic)
720 Arabic (Transparent ASMO)
737 Greek II
850 Multilingual (Latin I)
852 Slavic/Eastern European (Latin II)
855 Cyrillic I
857 Turkish
860 Portuguese
861 Icelandic
862 Hebrew
863 Canadian-French
864 Arabic
865 Nordic
866 Russian (Cyrillic II)
869 Greek
874 Thai
932 Japanese
934 Korean
936 Chinese (Simplified)
938 Taiwan
949 Korean

I can't confirm the validity of the information, but it seems correct
from memory and a quick cross referencing.

As for the topic at hand, I have no idea what characters are included
in any of these (except 437 and 850).

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